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purescript writing implementation for Eq type class

I wrote this code in purescript

module TypeClasses where
  import Prelude
  import Data.Array
  import Data.Number.Format(toString) 

  data Point = Point{x:: Number, y:: Number}
  instance showPoint :: Show Point where 
    show (Point {x, y}) = (toString x) <> ", " <> (toString y)    
  instance eqPoint :: Eq Point where
    eq p1 p2 = if (p1.x == p2.x && p1.y1 == p2.y2) then true else false

but I get error

Compiling TypeClasses
Error found:
in module TypeClasses
at src/TypeClasses.purs line 17, column 20 - line 17, column 22

  Could not match type

    { x :: t0
    | t1

  with type


while checking that type Point
  is at least as general as type { x :: t0
                                 | t1
while checking that expression p1
  has type { x :: t0
           | t1
while checking type of property accessor p1.x
in value declaration eqPoint

where t0 is an unknown type
      t1 is an unknown type

See for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.


  • A couple of issues with your code:

    • You have to deconstruct the Point parameters to access the "wrapped" record with your actual coordinates like this: eq (Point p1) (Point p2) (this will solve your type error)
    • .y1 and .y2 do not exist, I guess you mean .y
    • And as a hint: if something then true else false can be shortened to just something

    So you will end up with this implementation of Eq for Point:

    instance eqPoint :: Eq Point where
      eq (Point p1) (Point p2) = p1.x == p2.x && p1.y == p2.y