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fabricjs: retain the correct indexes of an object's image filters after loadFromJSON

I am applying filters to objects (following image filters demo) and everything is ok but after I save and load the canvas, the image filters change index.

At the moment I have four filters and they are applied by index (as shown in the demo).

0 : Grayscale

1 : Invert

2 : Remove Color

3 :- Blend Color

So if I apply Grayscale, and Remove Color, the 'filters' array looks like this , with indexes 0 and 2 which is correct...

enter image description here

But after I load the canvas (using loadFromJSON), the object's 'filters' array looks like this, with the indexes reset...

enter image description here

Is there any way that I can load the object and retain the filter indexes? There is code that is dependant on this and it is causing errors when I load a canvas that has objects with filters.

I have tried applying the following upon creation of the object...

   oImg.filters = [

It works ok when the object is created...

enter image description here

But when it is loaded, the false indexes are removed and its the same result...

enter image description here


  • I managed to get this working by changing the way I applied and retrieved the filters (by type rather than index). I simply checked to see if the filter existed (by 'type' not index), then spliced the filter at the desired index.

    Changed this function...

    getFilter(index) { 
       var obj = canvas.getActiveObject();
       return obj.filters[index];

    to this...

    getFilter(type) { 
      var obj = canvas.getActiveObject();
      if (obj) {
        filter = null;
        obj.filters.forEach(function(f) {
          if (f.type == type) {
            filter = f;
        return filter;

    Changed this function...

    applyFilter(index, filter) {
      var object = canvas.getActiveObject();
      object.filters[index] = filter;

    to this...

    applyFilter(type, filterIndex, filter) {
      var obj = canvas.getActiveObject();
      var indexExists = false;
      var filterFound = false;
      if (obj) {
        obj.filters.forEach(function(f, i) {
          if (f.type == type) {
            filterFound = true;
            obj.filters[i] = filter;
          if (filterIndex == i) {
            indexExists = true;
        if (!filterFound && indexExists) {
          obj.filters.splice(filterIndex, 0, filter);
        } else if (!filterFound && !indexExists) {
          obj.filters[filterIndex] = filter;

    Changed this function...

    applyFilterValue(index, prop, value) {
      var obj = canvas.getActiveObject();
      if (obj.filters[index]) {
        obj.filters[index][prop] = value;

    to this...

    applyFilterValue(type, filterIndex, prop, value) {
      var obj = canvas.getActiveObject();
      if (obj) {
        obj.filters.forEach(function(f, i) {
          if (f.type == type) {
            obj.filters[i][prop] = value;