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Embedded JS (ejs) isn't rendering data to browser

I'm working on a simple To Do app using express, node, pg-promise, and ejs. I created a database and I can't get the contents to show up in the browser.

The weird thing is that when I inspect the browser it recognizes the shape of each task, but they're empty except for the <p> tags. The <h1> tags and content shows up so I thought it was a flounder/squid issue, but I'm not so sure.

The json data showed up, but after switching to response.render and linking the index.ejs file I haven't had any luck.

Here's a basic overview of the file structure:

1. models
   - task.js
   - edit.ejs
   - index.ejs
   - new.ejs
   - show.ejs
3. server.ejs, package.json, form.html

Database name: todo_app

Table name: tasks

id | subject  |             content
  1 | planning | plot world domination
  2 | garden   | find victims for venus fly trap
  3 | food     | buy pickles
  4 | postman  | test post

NOTE: Number 4 I added with Postman.


  <h1>Here's the task list:</h1>
  <% tasks.forEach((everyTask) => {%>
      <%= tasks.content %>



const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const PORT = 3000;
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
// const models = require('./models/task')


const urlencodedParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })

app.set("view engine", "ejs");

const findAllTasks = require('./models/task').findAllTasks;
const findById = require('./models/task').findById;
const createTask = require('./models/task').createTask;
// const edit = require('./models/task').edit;
// const delete = require('./models/task').delete;

app.get('/', (request, response) => {
  findAllTasks().then(everyTask => {
    response.render('index', { tasks: everyTask });

app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Welcome to the Year ${PORT}, the world of tomorrow!`)


const pgp = require('pg-promise')({});

const connectionURL = "postgres://localhost:5432/todo_app";

const db = pgp(connectionURL);

const findAllTasks = () => {
  return db.any('SELECT * FROM tasks');

const findById = id => {
  return'SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE id = $1', [id]);

const createTask = data => {
  return'INSERT INTO tasks(subject, content) VALUES($[subject], $[content]) RETURNING id', data)

module.exports = {
  findAllTasks: findAllTasks,
  findById: findById,
  createTask: createTask
  // edit: edit,
  // delete: delete


  • I think with task.ejs you mean: index.ejs. and your forEach should be like the following:

      <h1>Here's the task list:</h1>
      <% tasks.forEach((everyTask) => {%>
          <%= everyTask.content %>