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Inline Hyperlink navigate to Page

I'm constructing text, and some pieces of the text should contain a hyperlink. However, these hyperlinks do not redirect to a webpage but should open a page in the UWP app (the currently running UWP app, not a new instance of it or a different app).

A HyperlinkButton can only open URL's that lead to an external browser, it can't open a page inside the app.

Using an InlineUIContainer doesn't work, I get

Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentException' in Additional information: Value does not fall within the expected range.

With this code

List<Inline> ic = new List<Inline>();
InlineUIContainer container = new InlineUIContainer();
TextBlock tbClickable = new TextBlock();
tbClickable.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
tbClickable.Text = label?.name;
tbClickable.Tag = label?.id;
tbClickable.Tapped += TbArtist_Tapped;
container.Child = tbClickable;

When I use

foreach (var item in ic)

Where tbCurrent is the TextBlock.

Any other ways to get a clickable link as an Inline element? Best case scenario I can attach a Tapped/Click event handler. But opening the page via a URI method or so is also good.


  • I changed to a RichTextBlock and using Blocks I could add a clickable TextBlock. This works in UWP.

    List<Block> ic = new List<Block>();
    Paragraph para = new Paragraph();
    InlineUIContainer iuic = new InlineUIContainer();
    TextBlock hpb = new TextBlock();
    hpb.Text = "link text";
    hpb.Tag = "some tag to pass on to the click handler";
    hpb.Tapped += ClickHandler;
    hpb.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Underline;
    hpb.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush((Windows.UI.Color)page.Resources["SystemAccentColor"]);
    iuic.Child = hpb;