I am trying to get a mysql query to work inside a jinja2 "set" statement (salt context), as :
{% set KEY = salt.cmd.shell("mysql -u user -p'password' -D ann -h ann -B -N -e 'select T from ann.USER where NAME='key''") %}
I've been banging my head for some hours now, so if anyone has a way to achieve this, please go on!
I tried many (I mean MANY) different combination to make this work but I could not.
The best I came up with was this mysql error :
ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'key' in 'where clause'
Which I can reproduce on the mysql instance by not using simple quotes around "key", so for me this is indeed a quoting problem.
The Jinja2 renderer just remove the simple quote before passing the command to the shell, am I right ?
The sel-fish answer did the trick (thanks a lot for this) but now I realize I need to add some jinja inside the "where clause", and (I guess) because of the quoting (hell ?) the jinja variable cannot get interpreted.
Is there any way to have a correct jinja interpretation for the column name (key) inside the where clause ?
as in :
salt.cmd.shell("mysql -uroot -ppassword -h ann -D ann -B -N -e \'select T from ann.USER where NAME=\"{{ key }}\"\' 2>/dev/null; exit 0")
EDIT 2: The second proposal to fix the jinja {{ key }} is failing with :
[salt.state :275 ][ERROR ][5947] Unable to manage file: Jinja syntax error: expected token ':', got '}'; line 53
Where line 53 is the line where I put your second proposal.
Here is the actual (sanitized) line I am using :
{% set WEBCRMKEY = salt.cmd.shell("mysql -u{{ mysql_user }} -p{{ mysql_password }} -h {{ ann_NAME|join }}.{{ full_domain }} -D ann -B -N -e \'select P from ann.USER where NAME=\"" + {{ CLIENT }} + "\"\'") %}
I guess it is now time to say welcome to quoting hell.
@sel-fish : Any other hint ? (that would save my week!)
Last word
The latest sel-fish proposition was the good one.
Use backslash to escape single quotation.
The shell cmd like below:
salt.cmd.shell("mysql -uroot -ppassword -h ann -D ann -B -N -e \'select T from ann.USER where NAME=\"key\"\' 2>/dev/null; exit 0")
Added 2>/dev/null; exit 0
at the end of cmd, the former is to filter mysql command line tool warning message, the latter is to avoid saltstack warning.
If key is a jinja variable
, then:
salt.cmd.shell("mysql -uroot -ppassword -h ann -D ann -B -N -e \'select T from ann.USER where NAME=\"" + {{ key }} + "\"\' 2>/dev/null; exit 0")
If you want to use more variables:
salt.cmd.shell("mysql -u" + mysql_user + " -p" + mysql_password + " -h" + ann_NAME + "." + full_domain + " -D ann -B -N -e \'select T from ann.USER where NAME=\"" + key + "\"\' 2>/dev/null; exit 0")