I have spent hours trying to figure this out, so I apologize if it's an easy fix.
I would like to make this program more user-friendly. Everything works currently, but the sentinel requires I enter "0" for both miles drive and gas used. I would like the sentinel to end the program after I enter the "0" for miles only. Is this possible?
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Mileage
public static void main(String[] args)
{ //initialization
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int miles = -1, gallons = -1,
totalMiles = 0, totalGallons = 0;
double average, runningAverage;
//while loop with sentinel controlled repetition
while (miles != 0 && gallons != 0)
{ //get miles
System.out.println("Enter the amount of miles driven. (0 to exit)");
miles = sc.nextInt();
//get gallons
System.out.println("Enter the amount of gallons used. (0 to exit)");
gallons = sc.nextInt();
//calc average
average = (double) miles / gallons;
//calc running average
totalMiles += miles;
totalGallons += gallons;
runningAverage = (double) totalMiles / totalGallons;
//output average only if values were entered, by using if statement
if (miles != 0 && gallons != 0)
System.out.printf("Miles per gallon for this trip is %.1f%n", average);
System.out.printf("Running average miles per gallon is %.1f%n", runningAverage);
When you do:
miles = sc.nextInt();
you can make a check for exit the program like:
just before:
System.out.println("Enter the amount of gallons used. (0 to exit)");