I am using Oracle as my database, Spring Boot as my framework.
I don't know how to write a test case to check database query? I have heard that it is possible through In-Memory Database. But don't find a proper example.
Suppose in my code I have written a SQL query that SELECT * FROM tableName
and it is returning me a ResultSet Object.
So in while writing test case how can I check that?
Every time I don't want to go into the database and fetch a query.
I know that is possible but my question is how can I replace my query's result with a dummy result which I will store in any file.
Thanks in advance
You should initialize your Hibernate SessionFactory
with another hibernate config, that uses H2 in-memory database, example test-hibenate.properties
Then in your tests you can use your DAO's just in regular way.
If you use plain JDBC, you can create connection to H2 in-memory database this way:
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", "", "");
And you will need H2 database dependency: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.h2database/h2