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Storing HTML form input in a JS object

I know there is a very similar question asked over here but my object hierarchy is different than the one in that question.

Anyways, I want to store the HTML form input data in to my JavaScript object. Here is my HTML form code:

<form id="newAuction">
    <input id="title" name="title" required type="text" value="" />
    <input id="edate" name="edate" required type="datetime" value=""  />
    <input id="minbid" name="minbid" required type="number" value=""  />
    <button class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

What I want is to get the values of these 3 inputs and store it in my JS object.

I know the proper JSON format needed to post the data to my API. (I tried POSTing with POSTman and I get a status 200, so it works). The proper format is:

    "auction": {
        "Title": "Auction1",
        "EDate": "01/01/1990",
        "MinBid": 30
    "productIds": [1,2,3]

This is what my JS object looks like:

        $(document).ready(function() {

            var vm = {
                auction: {},
                productIds: []

            //validation and posting to api

            var validator = $("#newAuction").validate({

               //assigning values
   = document.getElementById('title').value;
   = document.getElementById('minbid').value;
   = document.getElementById('edate').value;

                submitHandler: function () {
                        url: "/api/newAuction",
                        method: "post",
                        data: vm
                    .done(function () {
                        toastr.success("Auction Added to the db");

                        //setting the vm to a new vm to get rid of the old values
                         var vm = { auction: {},   productIds: [] };

                    .fail(function () {
                        toastr.error("something wrong");

                    return false;

As you can see, I am using document.getElementById('title').value; to get the values and assign them but I'm getting the syntax error Expected : Comma expected

Not sure if this matters, but this is inside a .NET MVC5 project.


  • Move your value assignment set of codes inside submitHandler. Check the syntax of validate()

        //validation and posting to api
        var validator = $("#newAuction").validate({
            submitHandler: function () {
                //assigning values
       = document.getElementById('title').value;
       = document.getElementById('minbid').value;
       = document.getElementById('edate').value;
                    url: "/api/newAuction",
                    method: "post",
                    data: vm
                .done(function () {
                    toastr.success("Auction Added to the db");
                    //setting the vm to a new vm to get rid of the old values
                     var vm = { auction: {},   productIds: [] };
                .fail(function () {
                    toastr.error("something wrong");
                return false;