I'm trying to do something like this:
SELECT days.date, SUM(tes.duration) FROM (
now() - INTERVAL (@num := @num + 1) DAY,
) date
FROM time_entries, (SELECT @num:=-1) num
) AS days
SELECT te.duration, DATE_FORMAT(te.date, '%Y-%m-%d') date
FROM time_entries AS te
WHERE te.account_id = 50150 AND te.deleted_at IS NULL
) AS tes ON tes.date = days.date
GROUP BY days.date
ORDER BY days.date
But this does not seem possible in ecto. I'm attempting this:
# creates 30 rows for each date 30 days into the past
days in subquery(
num in "time_entries, (SELECT @num := -1)",
select: %{
date: fragment("DATE_FORMAT(NOW() - INTERVAL (@num := @num + 1) DAY, '%Y-%m-%d')")
# join each date with time entries on this account and sub duration for each day
left_join: tes in subquery(
# using time_entries__undeleted was really slow for some reason… need to look into that
te in "time_entries",
select: %{
duration: te.duration,
date: fragment("DATE_FORMAT(?, '%Y-%m-%d')", te.date),
where: te.account_id == ^user.account_id
), on: tes.date == days.date,
group_by: days.date,
order_by: days.date
But i get the error:
(Mariaex.Error) (1146): Table 'development.time_entries, (select @num := -1)' doesn't exist
I need to compose dynamically on top of this query so I would like to not resort to Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!
. Any ideas?
You cannot do this that way, however syntax SELECT … FROM a, b …
is rough equivalent to SELECT … FROM a CROSS JOIN b …
which is supported by Ecto. So what you need is
from entry in "time_entries",
cross_join: num in fragment("(SELECT @num = -1)"),