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Problems with installing web based Dashboard (DM Dashboard) with Git, MongoDB, Node,, Forever

I was trying to get the DM Dashboard working on my Ubuntu 16.04. You can find it here:

I already installed Git, MongoDB, Node, and Forever. I'm new to working with all of the things, including Git. There are two things I don't understand:

  1. In the instructions you can find this:
Before we start the server, we will need to configure it for your environment

To Configure

Change to the checkout folder
Open config/env/development.json
Update the "db" property to point to your mongo DB
Save and close the file

When opening the development.js the part where "db" is foud says:

module.exports = {
  db: 'mongodb://' + (process.env.DB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR || 'localhost') + '/dashboard',
  debug: true,
  //  aggregate: 'whatever that is not false, because boolean false value turns aggregation off', //false
  aggregate: false,
  mongoose: {
    debug: false

Now what do I have to change to what? I don't know where my MongoDB is.

  1. To open the Dashboard in a browser the instruction says:

Open your browser and navigate to


What does "path_where_you_deployed" mean?

I feel like the solution is very simple, but I just can't figure out what to do.

I really appreciate you help!


  • db should be your Mongo DB URI

    [path_to_where_you_deployed] will we where you spin up this server, such as if you're running locally for dev... or a heroku url if you deploy there