Take the following VHDL code:
to_signed(-1, 32) rem to_signed(4, 32)
From what I understand from various sources and this SO question this should produce the result -1, but it returns 3, just as mod
. Why?
Thank you!
Oh no it doesn't...
As an MCVE :
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity rem_tb is
end rem_tb;
architecture arch of rem_tb is
assert false report "Result : " & integer'image(to_integer(to_signed(-1, 32)
rem to_signed(4, 32))) severity NOTE;
end arch;
compiled with ghdl:
ghdl -a rem_tb.vhd
ghdl -e rem_tb
ghdl -r rem_tb
it replies
rem_tb.vhd:11:1:@0ms:(assertion note): Result : -1
So ... which simulator are you using? What does that simulator do with the MCVE?