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Adding request headers to Application Insights telemetry for Nancy application

I want to include headers in the request events in Application Insights and found the following post that has a solution for application with a HttpContext. I'm working with a Nancy application where the request headers are stored in the NancyContext. Problem is that Nancy doesn't provide a static accessor like HttpContext.Current so I wonder how I can solve it.

I've made two attempts without succeeding. The first was to build an ITelemetryInitializer like described in the link below but then I could not access the NancyContext.

My second attempt was to pass the NancyModule to a static function that added the request headers to the ITelemetryContext but then I could not get a hold of the current ITelemetryContext instead.

Has anyone else faced and solved this issue?


  • I found a solution, might not be the prettiest but at least it seems to work.

    I created a statically accessible AsyncLocal instance to hold the RequestTelemetry object for each thread.

    public class RequestVariables
        public static AsyncLocal<RequestTelemetry> RequestTelemetry = new AsyncLocal<RequestTelemetry>();

    I set the value of RequestVariables.RequestTelemetry in an ITelemetryInitializer

    public class RequestTelemetryInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
        public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
            if (telemetry is RequestTelemetry requestTelemetry)
                RequestVariables.RequestTelemetry.Value = requestTelemetry;

    Then I registered a small middleware in the Startup.Configure(...) method which fetches the RequestTelemetry instance that was set by the ITelemetryInitializer and adds the request headers to it.

    app.Use((context, next) =>
        var requestTelemetry = RequestVariables.RequestTelemetry.Value;
        if (requestTelemetry?.Context == null) return next();
        foreach (var header in context.Request.Headers)
            if (!requestTelemetry.Context.Properties.ContainsKey(header.Key))
                requestTelemetry.Context.Properties.Add(header.Key, header.Value.First());
        return next();