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No setAttribute or getAttribute in editing HTML in the Console Panel

I would like to try to set Attribute in the Console Panel in Chrome.

But without using with the mouse. Example like this:

I wish only to write the JS-CODE with command, for example:


In the Console Panel Chrome this function setAttribute is not able. Please is there some alternativ way to write CODE with setting Attribute?


  • document.querySelectorAll returns a static nodelist, So need to iterate this collection which will give access to the element.Then setAttribute can be use to set an attribute

    var getAllLI = document.querySelectorAll('.demoClass');
    getAllLI.forEach(function(item, index) {
      item.setAttribute('value', index)
    <input class="demoClass">
    <input class="demoClass">
    <input class="demoClass">
    <input class="demoClass">