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javascriptwindow.openwindow.opener with 'noopener' opens a new window instead of a new tab

I was using'') with '_blank' as second parameter to open my link in new tab For eg.'', '_blank')

But, recently I added the third parameter 'noopener' so that window.opener becomes null in the new tab and the new tab does not have access to the parent tab/window. i.e. window.opener is null'', '_blank', 'noopener')

So the above code solved the security problem, but instead of opening a new tab, a new window started opening which is not what I expected. My browser settings were same and no changes were made to it.

Is there anything I can do to make this code open new tab instead of new window ? I do not want to remove noopener as third parameter


  • Honestly i think your code is fine but you can try a different implementation:

    var yourWindow =;
    yourWindow.opener = null;
    yourWindow.location = ""; = "_blank";