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Does this example represent "Prototypal Inheritance"?

I have got an object literal (a), which I later use to make another object (b) add some properties, and again make an object with help of (b), ie (c) and add some properties to it.

Finally, I try access which browser goes on for searching first in c, then b, then finally gets it from object a (same for second alert). But, I am a bit confused if this example correctly represents "Prototypal Inheritance"! (As, function constructure with prototype properties is not involved).

var a = {name: "Jenny", age: 27}; 
var b = Object.create(a); 
b.state = "New York"; 
var c = Object.create(b); 
c.flag = "50 star flag"; 


  • Yes, it does, the prototype chain you created is c -> b -> a.

    var a = {};
    var b = Object.create(a);
    console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(b) === a); // true
    var c = Object.create(b);
    console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(c) === b); // true

    If you're confused about missing constructor functions in this example, remember that Object.create is just a shortcut for

    function Object.create(proto) {
        function F() {}
        F.prototype = proto;
        return new F();

    so the new and constructor are still executed under the hood. For the rationale behind Object.create see this classic article.