Simplified version of my code:
<div id="d">text<br><hr>text</div>
// Called when DOM changes.
function mutationCallback(mutations) {
// assert(mutations.length === 3);
var insertImg = mutations[0];
console.log(insertImg.previousSibling.parentNode); // Null!
console.log(insertImg.nextSibling.parentNode); // Null!
// Can't determine where img was inserted!
// Setup
var div = document.getElementById('d');
var br = div.childNodes[1];
var hr = div.childNodes[2];
var observer = new MutationObserver(mutationCallback);
observer.observe(div, {childList: true, subtree: true});
// Trigger DOM Changes.
var img = document.createElement('img');
div.insertBefore(img, hr);
div.removeChild(br); // mutationCallback() is first called after this line.
I am using Mutation Observers to capture DOM changes, to update one document instance when another changes. Because the mutation observer function is not called until after <img>'s previous and next sibling are removed, the mutationCallback function can't tell where it was inserted. Reproduced in Chrome, FF, and IE11.
An alternative is to traverse the whole document to find changes, but that would negate the performance advantage of using Mutation Observers.
The mutations
array is a full list of mutations that have happened for a particular target. That means, for an arbitrary element, the only way to know what the parent was at the time of that mutation you'd have to look through the later mutations to see when the parent was mutated, e.g.
var target = mutations[0].target
var parentRemoveMutation = mutations
.find(mutation => mutation.removedNodes.indexOf(target) !== -1);
var parentNode = parentRemoveMutation
? // If the node was removed, that target is the parent
: target.parentNode; // Otherwise the existing parent is still accurate.
As you can see though, this is hard-coded for the first mutation, and you'd likely have to perform it for each item in the list one at a time. This won't scale very well as since it has to do linear searches. You could also potentially run through the full mutation list to build up that metadata first.
All that said, it seems like the core of the issue here is that you really shouldn't care about the parent in an ideal world. If you are synchronizing two documents for instance, you could consider using a WeakMap
to track elements, so for each possible element, have a mapping from the document being mutated to each element in the synced document. Then when mutations happen, you can just use the Map to look up the corresponding element in the original document, and reproduce the changes on the original document without needing to look at the parent at all.