I've to use the bootstrap datetimepicker for a legacy project.
With "LT" format, I've an issue, even if I set a default date, it returns the current date. (today).
check it on codepen
$(function () {
$('#datetimepicker3').datetimepicker( {
defaultDate: moment("15/05/1992","DD/MM/YYYY"),
format: 'LT'
console.log($('#datetimepicker3').data('DateTimePicker').date().format('DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm'));
I need to receive the date I set by default in datetimepicker.
I think the problem is exactly because you are using 'LT'. LT is a format of TIME-ONLY, so the information about the date is lost. That way, when it transform the "only time" information to a date or moment object, it uses the current date.
The defaultDate
is to set the initial date/time for the component and not to define the date that will be used when dealing with time-only information.
My suggestion: take the value from the component (as you did), extract the time and then set the desired date for that time.
I hope it helps.