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Scala macro to auto generate fluent builders

I am interacting with an external Java API which looks like this:

val obj: SomeBigJavaObj = {
  val _obj = new SomeBigJavaObj(p1, p2)
  val somethingElse = {
    val _obj2 = new SomethingElse(p5)

Basically the Java API exposes bunch of .setXXXX methods which returns void and sets something. I have no control over these external POJOs.

I would therefore like to write a fluent build Scala macro which inspects the object and creates a builder-pattern type .withXXXX() method for each of the void setXXXX() methods which returns this:

val obj: SomeBigJavaObj =
  build(new SomeBigJavaObj(p1, p2))
       build(new SomethingElse(p5))

Is this possible? I know I cannot generate new top level objects with def macros so open to other suggestions where I would have the similar ergonomics.


  • It is not complicated to use macros; just unfriendly to IDE (like:code completion;...);

    //edit 1 : support multiple arguments


    public class Hello {
      public int    a;
      public String b;
      public void setA(int a) {
        this.a = a;
      public void setB(String b) {
        this.b = b;
      public void setAB(int a , String b){
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;

    macro code : import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox

    trait BuildWrap[T] {
      def result(): T
    object BuildWrap {
      def build[T](t: T): Any = macro BuildWrapImpl.impl[T]
    class BuildWrapImpl(val c: whitebox.Context) {
      import c.universe._
      def impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](t: c.Expr[T]) = {
        val tpe = c.weakTypeOf[T]
        //get all set member
        val setMembers = tpe.members
        // temp value ;
        val valueName = TermName("valueName")
        val buildMethods = { member =>
          if (member.paramLists.length > 1)
            c.abort(c.enclosingPosition,"do not support Currying")
          val params = member.paramLists.head
          val paramsDef =>q"${} : ${e.typeSignature}")
          val paramsName =
          val fieldName = set
          val buildFuncName = TermName(s"with$fieldName")
          q"def $buildFuncName(..$paramsDef ) = {$valueName.${}(..$paramsName);this} "
        val result =
          q"""new BuildWrap[$tpe] {
            private val $valueName = $t
            def result() = $valueName
        // debug

    test code :

    val hello1: Hello = Hello).withA(1).withB("b").result()
    assert(hello1.a == 1)
    assert(hello1.b == "b")
    val hello2: Hello = Hello).withAB(1, "b").result()
    assert(hello2.a == 1)
    assert(hello2.b == "b")