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Using styled-components to style my own React components

I am trying to use styled-components to style my own child components.

As an example, I have created a custom card component, called myCard, as follows:

import React from "react";
import Card, { CardActions, CardContent } from "material-ui/Card";
import Button from "material-ui/Button";
import Typography from "material-ui/Typography";

const myCard = props => {
  return (
        <Button size="small">SELECT</Button>

export default myCard;

Now, in the parent component, I want to reuse this myCard component but with the possibility of giving any one of them a custom style, such as a border (when I eventually refactor the code to onClick):

import React, { Component } from "react";
import Grid from "material-ui/Grid";
import styled from "styled-components";
import myCard from "./myCard";

const StyledCard = styled(myCard)`
  /* border-style: ${props => (props.border ? "solid" : "none")}; */
  border-style: solid !important;
  border-width: 5px;
  width: 180px;

class cardSelect extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
        <Grid container spacing={24}>
          <Grid item xs={12}>
            <Grid container justify="center">
              <Grid item>
              <Grid item>
              <Grid item>

export default cardSelect;

I admit, I find the styled-components documentation rather poor. And there is only one reference to this kind of situation, which suggests to pass the className prop to the component. However I am not truly understanding this concept.


  • I found the answer through trials and errors. Could not find this solution (at least holistic) anywhere, so for posterity and the benefit of others, this is how I solved it.

    The solution is simply to pass the className prop to the myCard component as follows:

    const myCard = props => {
      const { className } = props;
      return (
        <Card className={className}>

    So, in general, one has to pass the className prop on to the custom component that you want to render.