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Error when consuming Remote EJB in JavaDelegate - Activiti

I've the following problem:

I need to use an EJB Remote from a class that implements JavaDelegate of Activity (alfresco).

This happens when my Work Flow arrives at a ServiceTask (I'm using "Task Type": ExpressionDelegate but it also happens with "Task Type": Class), this task uses a FooDelegate and in this class it contains an EJB that I can not use it, it always gives me the NullPointerException error when I use the EJB.

enter image description here

In Properties of the Service Task is: enter image description here

But also used "Task Type: Class"

My code of HelloWorldBean is:

    public class DemoImpl implements JavaDelegate {

        @EJB(name = "FooServ")
        private FooInterface fooServ;

        public void execute(DelegateExecution execute) throws Exception {
            System.out.println(">>>> hello world my name is " + fooServ.getNameDefault() + " <<<<");

in my file "Activiti.cfg.xml" it has this:

<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:jee=""

  <bean id="HelloWordBean" class="com.development.workflow.HelloWordClass"/>
  <jee:remote-slsb id="FooServ" resource-ref="false" business-interface="com.production.FooInterface" jndi-name="java:global/production-ejb/FooServ" />



I also declare my remote ejb in the jboss-web.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jboss-web version="8.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

As you can see, declare in the two xml files the FooServ Remote EJB, but I can not get it to work, I always get the JavaNullPointerException error in the line where I use the Remote EJB.

The code of my EJB Remote is:

package com.production;

public interface FooInterface {

  String getNameDefault();


package com.production.Impl;

import javax.ejb.Local;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;

public class FooImplement implements FooInterface {

  public String getNameDefault() {
    return "I am EJB remote";


I am using wildfly 10, jee7, activiti 5.2.2.

How can I use that EJB in my project? Thanks in advance :D


  • Thank you very much @Philippe, I implemented an explicit lookup (using the JNDI) and this worked for me correctly. The code that I use is:

    public FooService getEJB() {
        try {
            Context ctx = new InitialContext();
            Object obj = ctx.lookup("java:/production/FooServ");
            return (FooService) obj;
        } catch (NamingException e) {