I use SpringIntegration-filter for validate my WS message. I implement Validators for validating and if WS message is valid, they returns true. But if WS messages are invalid, they throws a MyValidationException.
Is there a way for handle this exceptions with usage of SpringIntegration-filter? If I don't return false, filter don't work.
My code example is below. I want to use my validation exceptions in discard flow.
public IntegrationFlow incomingRequest() {
return f -> f
.<IncomingRequest>filter(message ->
filterEndpointSpec ->
.<IncomingRequest>handle((payload, headers) ->
public IntegrationFlow discard() {
return IntegrationFlows.from(discardChannel())
@Bean(name = "discard.input")
public MessageChannel discardChannel() {
return MessageChannels.direct().get();
The discard channel just gets the rejected inbound message; there is no way to alter it in the filter.
You can do something like this...
.handle() // return an Exception on validation failure
.filter(...) // filter if payload is exception; the exceptions go to the discard channel
i.e. separate the validation and filter concerns.