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Vue - Ckeditor with Multiple extraPlugins

I'm using vue-ckeditor2 on my website, alongside Laravel. I'm trying to figure out how to use multiple extraplugins.

Doing this works, but it ends up with only one extraPlugin - Embed:

        extraPlugins: 'embed',
        toolbarLocation: 'bottom',

This works as well, but I end up with only one - Autogrow:

        extraPlugins: 'autogrow',
        toolbarLocation: 'bottom',

However, combinding them in a way I've found online doesn't work, and actually makes the textarea disappear all together:

        extraPlugins: 'autogrow, embed',
        toolbarLocation: 'bottom',


  • Please try remove the space after the comma so your example should be as follows:

    extraPlugins: 'autogrow,embed',

    Assuming that the Vue2-CKEditor follows CKEditor conventions regarding extra plugins, see here.