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How to collapse pivot items that only have one sub-item with VBA?

I have a data source that has multiple outline levels. Here is an example:

Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3
A        1          X1
A        1          X2
A        2          X3
B        3          X4
B        4          X5
B        4          X5
C        5          X6
C        5          X6
C        5          X6

When I pivot it, all 3 fields are row labels, like this:

Pivot Table at first

What I want is to collapse the items that have only one item under them. I can easily do it manually, with a result like this:

Pivot Table desired result

I know how to loop through the pivot tables and pivot fields. I can for example, make it collapse all of them, with this code:

Sub CollapseAllPivotItems()

    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
        For Each pf In .PivotFields
            If pf.Orientation = xlRowField Then
                For Each Pi In pf.PivotItems
                    ' Need the IF condition to go here
                       Pi.ShowDetail = False
                Next Pi
            End If
        Next pf
    End With
End Sub

But I can't find an appropriate property of the PivotItem class that I can use for the conditional as to when I should or should not collapse them.


  • I would do it programatically the same way as I would do it manually.

    At first look at Level 1. Go through all rows in Pivot Table's row range. And if there is a Level 1 entry only followed by one Level 2 entry and then only by one Level 3 entry. So the entry 3 lines after is Level 1 again or the end of the Pivot Table's row range, then do not show details of that Level 1 entry.

    Then same for Level 2. If there is a Level 2 entry only followed by one Level 3 entry. So the entry 2 lines after is Level 2 again or Level 1 or the end of the Pivot Table's row range, then do not show details of that Level 2 entry.

    In general for n levels: if there is a Level k entry only followed by one Level (k+1) entry and then only by one Level (k+2) entry and then only by one Level (k+3) entry ... and then only by one Level (n) entry. So the entry (n-k+1)) lines after is Level k again or Level (k-1) or Level (k-2) ... or Level (1) or the end of the Pivot Table's row range, then do not show details of that Level k entry.

    But what if a a Level k entry has more than one Level (k+1) entry one time but then another time it has only one Level (k+1) entry? Then it also should show the details because of it has one time more than one Level (k+1) entry.

    So I will collect the Level entries, together with the decision whether showing details or not, in a dictionary. Then I go through that dictionary to implement the decisions.

    Option Explicit
    Sub hideDetailPivotItems()
     Dim oPT As PivotTable
     Dim oPF As PivotField, oPFSibling As PivotField
     Dim oPRow  As Range, oPRowSibling As Range
     Dim oPI As PivotItem
     Dim sPIName As Variant
     Dim i As Long, k As Long, s As Long, lCountRowPFs As Long
     Dim bShowDetail  As Boolean
     Dim dPIShowDetail As Object
     Set oPT = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1")
     Dim aRowPFs() As String
     i = 0
     For Each oPF In oPT.RowFields
      ReDim Preserve aRowPFs(i)
      aRowPFs(i) = oPF.Name
      i = i + 1
      On Error Resume Next
      oPF.ShowDetail = True
      On Error GoTo 0
     lCountRowPFs = UBound(aRowPFs)
     For k = 0 To lCountRowPFs - 1
      Set dPIShowDetail = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
      For i = 1 To oPT.RowRange.Count
       Set oPRow = oPT.RowRange.Item(i)
       Set oPF = Nothing
       On Error Resume Next
       Set oPF = oPRow.PivotField
       On Error GoTo 0
       If Not oPF Is Nothing Then
        If oPF.Name = aRowPFs(k) Then
         Set oPI = Nothing
         On Error Resume Next
         Set oPI = oPRow.PivotItem
         On Error GoTo 0
         If Not oPI Is Nothing Then
          Set oPRowSibling = Nothing
          Set oPFSibling = Nothing
          On Error Resume Next
          Set oPRowSibling = oPT.RowRange.Item(i + (lCountRowPFs - k + 1))
          Set oPFSibling = oPRowSibling.PivotField
          On Error GoTo 0
          bShowDetail = True
          If oPRowSibling Is Nothing Then
           bShowDetail = False
          ElseIf oPFSibling Is Nothing Then
           bShowDetail = False
           For s = k To 0 Step -1
            If oPFSibling.Name = aRowPFs(s) Then
             bShowDetail = False
            End If
          End If
          If dPIShowDetail.exists(oPI.Name) Then
           If bShowDetail Then dPIShowDetail(oPI.Name) = bShowDetail
           dPIShowDetail.Add oPI.Name, bShowDetail
          End If
         End If
        End If
       End If
      For Each sPIName In dPIShowDetail.keys
       oPT.PivotFields(aRowPFs(k)).PivotItems(sPIName).ShowDetail = dPIShowDetail(sPIName)
    End Sub