I am trying to test the NATCompleteClient and NATCompleteServer examples from RakNet. I am able to get the NATCompleteServer to the update loop stage, but I am unable to get the NATCompleteClient to connect to the server:
Do you have a server running the NATCompleteServer project? (y/n): y
Executing UPNPFramework
Failed UPNPFramework
Proceeding to next stage.
Executing NatTypeDetectionFramework
Failed NatTypeDetectionFramework
Proceeding to next stage.
Executing NatPunchthoughClientFramework
Enter IP of system NatPunchthroughServer, or press enter for default:
Enter port of system NatPunchthroughServer, or press enter for default: 61111
Enter RakNetGuid of the remote system, which should have already connected
to the server.
Or press enter to just listen.
Calculating port stride from SOMESERVERIP|61111
Starting ID_NAT_PUNCHTHROUGH_REQUEST to guid 702561543119132154.
Punchthrough attempt to guid 702561543119132154 failed due to
Failed NatPunchthoughClientFramework
Proceeding to next stage.
Executing Router2Framework
Failed Router2Framework
Proceeding to next stage.
Executing UDPProxyClientFramework
Failed UDPProxyClientFramework
Connectivity not possible. Exiting
I am running the NATCompleteServer on a digital ocean droplet not behind NAT. Also, I've tested on the droplet on canyouseeme.org and it shows that port 61111 on the server is not blocked.
How can I fix this problem?
Note: Also, I know that RakNet is dead now ever since Facebook acquired it. What is the best place to ask questions and look for support since I am trying to integrate RakNet into my project?
I have since been able to fix this. I've realized that to make the NATPunch examples to work with Raknet, you need to run 2 clients and a server.
There is a new forum called SLikeNet which is trying to rebuild the community around RakNet. For people who need more help on Raknet setup and usage, use the forum here. The mods have been extremely nice and helpful in assisting me to get this problem resolved