After a bunch of looking into Futures, Promises, wrapAsync, I still have no idea how to fix this issue
I have this method, which takes an array of images, sends it to Google Cloud Vision for logo detection, and then pushes all detected images with logos into an array, where I try to return in my method.
var logosArray = [];
images.forEach((image, index) => {
.then(results => {
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
if(logos != ''){
logos.forEach(logo => logosArray.push(logo.description));
return logosArray;
However, when the method is called from the client:'getLogos', images, function(error, response) {
the empty array is always returned, and understandably so as the method returned logosArray
before Google finished processing all of them and returning the results.
How to handle such a case?
getLogos(images) {
return client
.logoDetection(images[0]) // Example with only 1 external async call
.then(results => {
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
if (logos != '') {
return => logo.description);
}); // `then` returns a Promise that resolves with the return value
// of its success callback
/ await
. By doing so, you no longer explicitly return a Promise (but under the hood it is still the case), but "wait" for the Promise to resolve within your method code.Meteor.methods({
async getLogos(images) {
const results = await client.logoDetection(images[0]);
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
if (logos != '') {
return => logo.description);
getLogos(images) {
var promises = [];
images.forEach(image => {
// Accumulate the Promises in an array.
promises.push(client.logoDetection(image).then(results => {
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
return (logos != '') ? => logo.description) : [];
return Promise.all(promises)
// If you want to merge all the resulting arrays...
.then(resultPerImage => resultPerImage.reduce((accumulator, imageLogosDescriptions) => {
return accumulator.concat(imageLogosDescriptions);
}, [])); // Initial accumulator value.
or with async
async getLogos(images) {
var promises = [];
images.forEach(image => {
// DO NOT await here for each individual Promise, or you will chain
// your execution instead of executing them in parallel
promises.push(client.logoDetection(image).then(results => {
const logos = results[0].logoAnnotations;
return (logos != '') ? => logo.description) : [];
// Now we can await for the Promise.all.
const resultPerImage = await Promise.all(promises);
return resultPerImage.reduce((accumulator, imageLogosDescriptions) => {
return accumulator.concat(imageLogosDescriptions);
}, []);