I have have icefaces datatable and when user clicks a row, I would like to pass that row's value to another page. The value could row's one column which is the primary key. I am planning to use
How can I do this?
*Follow up**
Kindly suggest the approach I am following is the right for passing paramter from my icefaces datatable to another page.
I have the following in jsf page
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{bean.setSelectedItem}">
And in my bean of setSelectedItem(ActionEvent event) method I have the following code
selectedRows.put(dataTable.getRowIndex(), true);
(selectedRows is of Map<Integer, Boolean> selectedRows = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>();
List<class> selectItems = new ArrayList<class>();
for (int index = 0; index < dataList.size(); index++) {
if (isSelectedRow(index)) {
Correct me if I am doing anthing wrong above.
Either bind the table component with UIData
property in backing bean
<h:dataTable binding="#{bean.table}">
private UIData table;
or bind the table value with DataModel
property in backing bean
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.model}">
private DataModel model;
Either way, they offer a getRowData()
method which gives you the row back during bean action method where the UICommand
component is been clicked/pressed.
<h:commandLink action="#{bean.view}">
public String view() {
Object rowData = table.getRowData(); // Or model.getRowData();
return "otherpage";