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How to delete a personal address book contact using ews-javascript-api

I'm using the ews-javascript-api to delete a contact from my exchange personal address book. I'm following the microsoft c# example (but obviously writing my code in javascript. Here's the example I'm following:

EWS Delete contact

And here is my code to delete a contact.

    const itemId = new ews.ItemId(id);

    const contact = ews.Contact.Bind(window.exchangeService, itemId).then((response) => {
        if (response) {
            response.Delete(ews.DeleteMode.MoveToDeletedItems).then(response => {
                dispatch( addressBookAction.deleteContactSuccess(response));

                // Refresh our PAB
                dispatch( addressBookAction.fetchAddressbook());
            }).catch((error) => {
                dispatch( addressBookAction.deleteContactFailure(error));

Where id is a real id of a contact. I'm getting it by calling contact.Id.UniqueId

I'm getting an error when I try the ews.Contact.Bind and passing it the ItemId object created from my contact id. It says the id is not formed correctly.



  • instead of creating new ItemId(), use contact.Id when using bind.