On an XPage I have a table component:
<xp:table id="tblProposals">
on which I want to initiate the datatables plugin on via a scriptblock component:
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptInitProposals">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[$(document).ready(function() {
var tableId = x$("#{id:tblProposals}");
$("#" + tableId.get(0).id).DataTable();
initProposals("#" + tableId.get(0).id,"getProposals");
$('table th:first').removeClass('sorting_asc');
my JS function starts as followed:
function initProposals(id, method) {
var db = $(id).DataTable();
var table = $(id).DataTable({
"pageLength": pageLength,
"ajax": "api.xsp/reports?method=" + method,...
when I choose a normal html table with id (e.g. and run scriptblock:
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptInitProposals">
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[$(document).ready(function() {
$('table th:first').removeClass('sorting_asc');
The table is generated just fine.
It seems the datatables plugin is not so happy with the dynamic id or am I missing something??
What you get with x$("#{id:tblProposals}")
is not the id but the DOM jQuery wrapped DOM object already, if I'm not mistaken.
Then, you repeat the DataTable()
call twice: before calling initProposals
and inside it. I think you can remove one.
At this point you might want to change what you pass to initProposals
, either the id or the object, or any of them and then handle it in the method.
You could do something like this:
<xp:scriptBlock value="$(document).ready(function() {
initProposals('#{id:tblProposals}', 'getProposals');
$('table th:first').removeClass('sorting_asc');
Then you slightly modify your function:
function initProposals(id, method) {
var element = $(document.getElementById(id));
var table = element.DataTable();