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How do I remove jar filename before endpoint's url?

When I compile my maven-based project I have the resulting jar file in 'target/my-application'. When I run locally my application (I use Payara Micro if this is important) I have the following in log:

Payara Micro URLs

How do I get rid of my-application-1.0-SNAPSHOT from URL address?

As per request, I'd say that:

What type of application is that? EAR/WAR?

war application (however, maven creates for me "payara-uber-jar" and I run the application via java -jar filename.jar

What application server is it running on?

Payara micro

Are you using maven?

Yes, I am.


  • Hello according to Paraya documentation what you need to do is:

    java -jar payara-micro.jar --deploy NAMETHATYOUWANT.war

    And then the context path will be /NAMETHATYOUWANT