Here is how I get the result(example):
OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "select * from table_name t";
//retrieve the result
OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Then I have a POCO class that matches the fields of the query(row by row). That being said, I create a List:
List<ReportsModel> reports= new List<ReportsModel>();
Then I iterate over the reader
while (reader.Read())
//single report that I will pass to the colletion of reports
ReportsModel report= new ReportsModel();
report.Id_product = reader["ID_PRODUCT"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID_PRODUCT"]);
//passing report to reports
reports.Add(report );
The problem is: my POCO class has around 300 fields(the query returns the same amount also). How can I map my result set (OracleDataReader reader
) to my List<ReportsModel>
without having to fetch row by row (report.Id_product = reader["ID_PRODUCT"]
)? I know that there may be a way to solve it using something like lambda(arrow function) along with Linq or whatever.
I took the @mjwills suggestion on using Dapper and it solved my issue, here is my code:
string sql = "select * from table t ";
//conn changed to IDbConnection, so I could use Dapper
var reports= conn.Query<ReportsModel>(sql).ToList();
And that's it, no need to write the code to iterate over OracleDataReader or anything else! Dapper handled it amazingly \o
Useful: Dapper Example