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Is there a version of LockBox for Delphi-XE

where can I find a version of LockBox for Delphi-XE


  • You can make it work. It is not that hard.

    1. Download from SVN. I'll refer to the base directory as tplockbox.
    2. Go to the tplockbox/trunc/packages directory. Copy the d2010 directory contents to a new directory named XE.
    3. Rename TP_LockBox_d2010.grouproj to TP_LockBox_XE.groupproj
    4. Open it, right click TP_LockBox3_d2010.bpl, go to Options, change "LIB suffix" from the Description section to _XE.
    5. Do the same for the dclTP_LockBox3_d2010.bpl project
    6. Adjust output paths and directories for all projects. I don't remember if I just went ahead and changed this globally.
    7. Build and install TP_LockBox3_XE.bpl and dclTP_LockBox3_XE.bpl packages.

    If you want the test cases to work, you'll have to modify the tplockbox/trunc/test/uLockBox_TestCases.pas file. There are some hard coded checks for an older version of DUnit than the one that comes with Delphi XE. You can just comment out these checks.