I'm refactoring my test suite for a clojure application and am trying to figure out if there is a way to save let bindings for reuse to minimize copied code, as many tests require the similar setup but interfere with each other and require their own deftest. Ideally, I would like it to work a little like this:
(def let-bindings [bind1 val1 bind2 val2 bind3 val3])
(deftest test-1
(testing "my test"
(let (conj let-bindings [bind4 val4])
(deftest test-2
(testing "my second test"
(let (conj let-bindings [bind5 val5])
For added clarification, I need val1 and val2 to be evaluated in the test, not when defining the let bindings, as the calls affect the test database in a way that needs to be reset after each test. Does this mean I need a macro?
is a special form so trying to metaprogram it without doing it in a macro won't work. Perhaps you should just define the common bindings instead:
(def bind1 val1)
(def bind2 val2)
(def bind3 val3)
(deftest test-1
(testing "my test"
(let [bind4 val4]
;; here bind1...bind4 would be available
Here is how I imagine you could do it with a macro:
;; notice that the let will be recreated each time so if
;; val1 ... are computational hard consider caching.
(defmacro elet [ bindings & body ]
`(let [bind1 val1 bind2 val2 bind3 val3 ~@bindings]
(deftest test-1
(testing "my test"
(elet [bind4 val4]
;; here bind1...bind4 would be available