I want to create and fill a set
from the contents of a member variable of each entry of a vector
. This is what I am doing:
struct S { int i; };
int main()
std::vector<S*> structPtrs;
// code to fill the above vector
// create set from the above vector
std::set<int> setInts;
for (auto it = structPtrs.begin(); it != structPtrs.end(); ++it)
Is there an STL way to do it? Or via any available method(s) in <algorithm>
There is one other way you can do this. If you add conversion operator to int
to your struct you can just use range constructor directly
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct test {int i; operator int() {return i;}};
int main() {
vector<test> v;
set<int> s(v.begin(), v.end());
cout << *(++s.begin());
return 0;