I am building a website using mapbox to render about 24mb of geojson data. I stored these data in backend server, the API request takes about 2300ms, and front-end map displaying those data would take over 10 seconds.
The GeoJson are river stream data which contains many MultiLineString
. Data is cleaned up.
Here are the steps:
Here is the data format: https://eflow.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/class_geo_data/classGeo.json
My questions:
I am using react-map-gl
, not sure which version of mapbox gl is actually using.
Thanks Leo
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I am not sure why this is so much faster, but the correct way to do this is:
This is a complete different approach than my original one, which was to get data from my own API then have Mapbox render it. But it reduces the load speed down to 1-2 seconds from 10+ seconds