Question: Is there a way to either confirm that an iCloud calendar is empty or, alternatively, to list the contents of the calendar?
Background: I have a number of calendars (iCloud, Google and others) that I have created over the years. I now want to manage them down to a smaller number and remove duplicate events and actions.
Currently I am looking at my iCloud calendars. A couple of the calendars appear to be empty because I cannot see anything from them on my calendar when I scroll back and forward through the months. However, it's possible that the calendar my contain something that I have forgotten but don't want to lose.
You can access iCloud calendars using the standard CalDAV protocol. As a recent complication you need to setup an app-specific-password to access your account.
You fail to mention what programming environment you want to do this in, but:
Building a CalDAV client
is a great resource.
Basic stuff like listing calendars can also be done quite easily using tools like curl
and xmlstarlet