In JPA, there is @PrePersist and @PreUpdate annotations that allow operations before CRUD operations. I am trying to find out the ApsectJ equivalent to this.
My use case is a JPA application that was built by one team, now would like to add an Audit Aspect to each Pre-Persist and Pre-Update that occurs, without adding a lifecycle listener to the original Entity.
If the entities don't have @PrePersist and @PreUpdate methods, you can use AspectJ intertype declarations (ITDs) to introduce those methods.
public aspect Audit {
declare parents: @Entity * implements AuditedEntity;
public interface AuditedEntity {}
public void AuditedEntity.prePersistAuditing() {
... auditing logic
... similar code for @PreUpdate
If the entities already have the methods, you can advise those to perform auditing.