Given that there are std::future::wait_for/until()
, I don't see why there is no std::future::try_wait()
. I'm currently writing a producer-consumer example, and I want to use std::future
as a convenient way to signal the consumer threads to return. My consumer code is like
void consume(std::future<void>& stop) {
while (!stop.try_wait()) { // alas, no such method
// try consuming an item in queue
I'm thinking to simulate try_wait()
with a zero-duration wait_for()
which is really ugly. As a side question: any other convenient ways to signal the consumer threads to return?
has a .is_ready()
and .then( F )
methods added to it.
is probably your try_wait
(without a timeout).
, as noted, gives you the functionality of try_wait
in practice.
is not designed as a signaling mechanism even if it can be used as one. If you want a signaling mechansim, create one using a condition variable, mutex, and state that stores the state of the signals (possibly combining them).
struct state {
bool stop = false;
unsigned some_value = 7;
friend auto as_tie( state const& s ) {
return std::tie(s.stop, s.some_value);
friend bool operator==( state const& lhs, state const& rhs ) {
return as_tie(lhs)==as_tie(rhs);
template<class State, class Cmp=std::equal<State>>
struct condition_state {
// gets a copy of the current state:
State get_state() const {
auto l = lock();
return state;
// Returns a state that is different than in:
State next_state(State const& in) const {
auto l = lock();
cv.wait( l, [&]{ return !Cmp{}(in, state); } );
return state;
// runs f on the state if it changes from old.
// does this atomically in a mutex, so be careful.
template<class F>
auto consume_state( F&& f, State old ) const {
auto l = lock();
cv.wait( l, [&]{ return !Cmp{}(old, state); } );
return std::forward<F>(f)( state );
// runs f on the state if it changes:
template<class F>
auto consume_state( F&& f ) const {
return consume_state( std::forward<F>(f), state );
// calls f on the state, then notifies everyone to check if
// it has changed:
template<class F>
void change_state( F&& f ) {
auto l = lock();
std::forward<F>(f)( state );
// Sets the value of state to in
void set_state( State in ) {
change_state( [&](State& state) {
state = std::move(in);
} );
auto lock() const { return std::unique_lock<std::mutex>(m); }
mutable std::mutex m;
std::condition_variable cv;
State state;
For an example, suppose our State
was a vector of ready tasks and a bool saying "abort":
struct tasks_todo {
std::deque< std::function<void()> > todo;
bool abort = false;
friend bool operator==()( tasks_todo const& lhs, tasks_todo const& rhs ) {
if (lhs.abort != rhs.abort) return false;
if (lhs.todo.size() != rhs.todo.size()) return false;
return true;
then we can write our queue as follows:
struct task_queue {
void add_task( std::function<void()> task ) {
tasks.change_state( [&](auto& tasks) { tasks.todo.push_back(std::move(task)); } );
void shutdown() {
tasks.change_state( [&](auto& tasks) { tasks.abort = true; } );
std::function<void()> pop_task() {
return tasks.consume_state(
[&](auto& tasks)->std::function<void()> {
if (tasks.abort) return {};
if (tasks.todo.empty()) return {}; // should be impossible
auto r = tasks.front();
return r;
{} // non-aborted empty queue
condition_state<task_todo> tasks;
or somesuch.