I am working with elasticsearch and I have two types which hold my data.
Now I need to retrieve data from both types by using a single query.
Please see my use case
I have two types called basic and marks and I saved document as follows
{ "id": "100", "name": "Tom" }
{ "id": "101", "name": "John"
{ "id": "100", "mark": "300"
{ "id": "101", "mark": "500" }
Now i need to get the name and mark of a student his id is 100.
Is there any possibility to get result like this.
I came to know that these type of data model is not good for nosql but here i need it as these records are replicated from RDBMS DB.
Any suggestion please and thanks in advance.
You can query both types in single query by listing them in url
POST myindex/basic,marks/_search
You can also filter all of them by id
POST myindex/basic,marks/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{"term": {
"id": {
"value": 100