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Can I select Polymer elements that exist in the Shadow DOM?

I have an application made with Polymer that I need to automate. The problem is it has a lot of Shadow DOMs.

I'm using FluentAutomation that only knows to work with CSS selectors and some jQuery.

Is there a way to identify the elements inside a Shadow DOMs using CSS selectors?


  • do you mean to select a dom node that is part of a shadow dom?

    as there I no selector that pierces shadow dom you will have to provide the full path to a dom node. Example Source:

        <h3 part="header">My App Header</h3>
            <p part="header">My Dialog Header</p>
                <span part="header">My Alert Header</span>
                <span part="header">My Alert Header</span>

    To select the first my-alert you would need to do


    if you have ids like so

    <my-app id="app">
        <h3 part="header">My App Header</h3>
        <my-dialog id="dialog">
            <p part="header">My Dialog Header</p>
            <my-alert id="alert1">
                <span part="header">My Alert Header</span>
            <my-alert id="alert2">
                <span part="header">My Alert Header</span>

    You can use a more optimized path.


    PS: if you are interested there is a selector in the works that lets you pierce the shadow dom for certain “exported” dom parts…
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