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How to convert native JS array of CLR types to CLR array with Clearscript

I'm looking at converting our application from using JavaScript.NET (Noesis) to use ClearScript.

Our app contains a large number of user-created Javascript algorithms/expressions for financial calculations - I'd rather avoid having to change those if possible.

Currently with JavaScript.NET many of the user-defined algorithms follow a pattern of creating a JavaScript array containing host types and passing that as a parameter to a function on another host type. With JavaScript.NET that conversion "just works". See code below for what I'm trying to do:

using System;
using Microsoft.ClearScript;
using Microsoft.ClearScript.V8;

namespace ClearscriptPlayground
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (var engine = new V8ScriptEngine())

                var myClass = new MyClass();;
                engine.AddHostObject("instance", myClass);
                engine.AddHostType("MyType", HostItemFlags.DirectAccess, typeof(MyType));
                        @"var params = [new MyType('bye', 10), 
                                        new MyType('hello', 10)];



    public class MyClass
//        public void SomethingElse(ITypedArray<MyType> foo)
//        {
//            // Doesn't work.
//        }

//        public void SomethingElse(MyType[] foo)
//        {
//            // Doesn't work.
//        }

//        public void SomethingElse(dynamic foo)
//        {
//            var mapped = foo as ITypedArray<MyType>; // Doesn't work
//            var mapped = foo as MyType[]; // Doesn't work either   
//        }

        public void SomethingElse(ScriptObject foo)
            // Works, but how best to convert to MyType[] or similar?

    public struct MyType
        public string Foo;
        public int Bar;

        public MyType(string foo, int bar)
            Foo = foo;
            Bar = bar;

NB: I know that I can create a host array using params = host.newArr(MyType, 2); and that will work - but that would mean modifying all the user-maintained JavaScript which I'd really rather avoid.


  • You can use the JavaScript array directly via dynamic:

    public void SomethingElse(dynamic foo)
        var length = foo.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i)
            var my = (MyType)foo[i];
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", my.Foo, my.Bar);