Okay, I have this code which allows me to change the sidebar(HTML page) color by any color I want with a color picker. And it saves (localstorage).
The problem is that I can't figure out how to change more elements with the same code. Like now only the sidebar changes color but I also want something like the buttons changing color with the same color picker.
My situation is something like this: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/wyVQbe
/*Set your own color*/
var jscolor;
var defaultColor = (localStorage.getItem("color")) ? localStorage.getItem("color"): "#0078c0";
window.addEventListener("load", startup, false);
function startup() {
jscolor = document.querySelector(".jscolor");
if (jscolor) {
jscolor.value = defaultColor;
jscolor.addEventListener("input", updateFirst, false);
jscolor.addEventListener("change", updateAll, false);
function updateFirst(event) {
function refreshSidebar(color) {
var side = document.querySelector(".sidebar");
if (side) {
side.style.backgroundColor = color;
function updateAll(event) {
document.querySelectorAll(".sidebar").forEach(function(side) {
side.style.backgroundColor = event.target.value
localStorage.setItem('color', event.target.value);
A way (might be or might not be ideal )
For all the elements you can differentiate like below elements.
<div class='themecolor onlyTextColor'> hello1</div>
<div class='themecolor'> hello2</div>
<div class='themecolor onlyTextColor'> hello3</div>
<div class='themecolor'> hello4</div>
<div class='themecolor'> hello5</div>
Where classes with onlyTextColor should update only text color and remaining should update background ( We can have another class like onlyBackground to update only background)
and use something like below (you have tagged Jquery aswell. So I am using jquery below)
localStorage.setItem('color', rgba);
if ($(this).hasClass("onlyTextColor"))
$(this).css('color', rgba);
$(this).css('background-color', rgba);