I am working on creating an html editor in java using JTextPane. The attribute style = "display: none" doesn't seem to be working here as expected. Help me out here. My code is:
JTextPane basePane = new JTextPane();
basePane.setText("<html><body><p style=\"display: none\" >hello world!</p></body></html>");
the string "hello world!" is still being printed. I tried using the div tags and placed the style="display: none" attribute there. it does not work there too. Help me out here!
Thanks in advance! ;)
I think that you need to create your own view if you want to implement this. The support for CSS in JTextPane is very partial.
Try something like this:
//Create a view that inherites from InlineView and behave the way you want.
//In your case, it should react to getAttributes().getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.DISPLAY);
private class HideableView extends InlineView {
public HideableView(Element elem) { super(elem); }
//Implement your expected behaviour here
public void paint(Graphics g, Shape a){}
//Create a View Factory that will replace InlineViews by your custom View
public static class HTMLBetterFactory extends HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory {
public View create(Element elem) {
AttributeSet attrs = elem.getAttributes();
Object elementName = attrs.getAttribute(AbstractDocument.ElementNameAttribute);
Object o = (elementName != null) ? null : attrs.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute);
if (o == HTML.Tag.CONTENT) {
return new HideableView(elem);
return super.create(elem);
//Create an HTMLEditorKit that will use your custom Factory
public class HTMLBetterEditorKit extends HTMLEditorKit {
private final HTMLEditorKit.HTMLFactory factory = new HTMLBetterFactory();
public ViewFactory getViewFactory() {
return factory;
//Import your HTMLEditorKit into your JTextPane
HTMLBetterEditorKit editorKit = new HTMLBetterEditorKit();
This is for inline elements, but you can reproduce the process for other elements.