I faced a problem with dependency:tree. It troubled me a few days.
I defined solr-solrj with version 6.6.0 in my pom.xml in one of my modules named A as below:
Another module named B dependencies on module A. when I run mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose -Dincludes=org.apache.solr:solr-solrj
, the console appears org.apache.solr:solr-solrj:jar:5.5.3:compile (version managed from 6.6.0)
. I find all the pom.xml, I haven't defined the 5.5.3 version. And I haven't found any jar dependencies on 5.5.3 version transitively in my project.
What's the meaning of 5.5.3:compile (version managed from 6.6.0
? And why 5.5.3 version appeared in my project?
pic1 is that I use idea to show dependencies. pic2 is I clicked solrj jump to pom.xml.
Either the pom for module B or the parent pom for module B includes a <dependencyManagement>
section. Dependency management is used in maven to centralize the versions used for jars. It is likely overriding the version of solr-solrj you defined to be version 5.5.3. Dependency management functions in two main ways. You are probably experiencing what is described in section 2. Please see the conclusion for a summary specific to your question.
So when an artifact version is defined in the <dependencyManagement>
section you can declare the dependency in your pom without defining the version, and the version defined in <dependencyManagement>
will be used automatically.
Let's say your parent pom defined the following
Then if you define the following in your pom
Your project will automatically use version 1.1.12 as defined in the <dependencyManagement>
section of your parent pom.
If you have an artifact version defined in your <dependencyManagement>
and one of your dependencies has a transitive dependency on the same artifact, the version of the artifact defined in your <dependencyManagement>
section is used automatically.
Let's say this artifact
Has this transitive dependency
Now let's say our parent pom defines this <dependencyManagement>
Then if you define this dependency in your pom
Maven will override yourlib's dependency on morelib version 2.0.0 with morelib version 2.5.2.
Specific to your question, someone has defined a <dependencyManagement>
section like the following in the pom or parent pom of module B:
Since solr-solrj is a dependency of module A and mondule A is a dependency of module B. Dependency management is overriding the version of solr-solrj to be 5.5.3 . You should speak with the person who added this dependencyManagement configuration in your project, there is likely a good reason why they only wanted version 5.5.3 to be used.
See more details in the official maven docs here.