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JSView - Set trigger, when loses focus, on custom tag

I'm trying to define a custom tag for input-elements, which only trigger, when the input-element lost focus. When it triggers, it should modify the data-linked item. The data-manipulation is working onAfterChange.

//jsview html tag
<script id="input_text_layout" type="text/x-jsrender">
      <input type="text" data-link="{:value:} {testvalidation value}">

//jQuery Part
  testvalidation: {
    baseTag: "radiogroup",
    linkedElement: "select,textarea,input",
    init: function(tagCtx, linkCtx, ctx) {
      var tag = this;
    onAfterChange : function(ev, eventArgs) {
      $.observable("info_text", "Testinformation");



  • You can set trigger=false if you want updates to be triggered on the blur event, rather than on keydown/input. The setting can be global, on the individual tag, or in the tag definition.


    Setting trigger=false on the tag definition for a custom tag looks like this (your tag):

    testvalidation: {
      linkedElement: "input",
      trigger: false,
      onAfterChange : function(ev, eventArgs) {
        $.observable("info_text", "Testinformation");

    or this one from

    textbox: {
      linkedElement: "input",
      template: "<input/>",
      onUpdate: false,
      trigger: false,
      dataBoundOnly: true