I am trying to install mariadb columnstore api (java wrapper of cpp version) on RHEL 7 and it has dependency on pythong34. The following command can not find the package.
sudo yum install python34 or to search sudo yum search python34
Other server already have the package installed and search returns the results.
So far I have tried running
yum clean all - to clear cache and all other things update repo..
check proxy is same on both server, yum update
Tried Installing manually by getting rpm but getting the dependency error.
python(abi) = 3.4 is needed by mariadb-columnstore-api-1.1.3-1.x86_64
Any suggestion would help. Thanks.
Finally was able to install python34, it is part of EPEP repository. So enabled using following link and then was able to to get it via yum.