I am using TRI DDS - here is the prototype for the function I am trying to call:
template<typename T , typename Functor >
dds::sub::cond::ReadCondition::ReadCondition (
const dds::sub::DataReader< T > & reader,
const dds::sub::status::DataState & status,
const Functor & handler
So I have a class that looks a bit like this (with load of irrelevant stuff omitted):
MyClass test{
test(){... mp_reader = ...}; // not complete
dds::sub::cond::ReadCondition rc(*mp_reader,
do_stuff()); // This does not work
void do_stuff() {...}
dds::sub::DataReader* mp_reader;
So I just tried to pass in the function do_stuff().. I know this won't work, but I am not sure what to put in here in place of the const & functor
parameter. Can I pass a member function in? - how do I specify the instance of the class?
I tried putting a lambda in there and it worked - but I can't access mp_reader in the lambda because it is not in the scope of the lambda. But anyway I don't really want to use a lambda I really want to use a function (so, eventually I might be able to pass in an external one).
Please see here for the RTI DDS function. Here is what it says about the functor
"Any type whose instances that can be called with a no-argument function call (i.e. f(), if f is an instance of Functor). Examples are functions, types that override the operator(), and lambdas <<C++11>>. The return type has to be void
You can use a lambda function with a capture.
dds::sub::cond::ReadCondition rc(*mp_reader,
[this](){ this->do_stuff(); });