Is there any difference in execution between?
launch {
fun function1(){
launch {
suspend fun function2(){
Yes, there is.
Semantically, a call to a suspending function may suspend the execution, which may be resumed at some point later (or never), possibly in a different context (e.g. another thread).
To ensure this, the compiler handles calls to a suspending function in a special way: it produces the code that saves the current local variables into a Continuation
instance and passes it to the suspending function, and there's also a resumption point in the bytecode after the call, to which the execution will jump, load the local variables and run on (with a corner case of tail calls).
A call to a non-suspending function is compiled to much simpler bytecode, the same to normally calling a function outside a suspending function body.
You can find details about Kotlin coroutines design and implementation here: Coroutines for Kotlin
You can also inspect the resulting compiled bytecode to see the difference: Kotlin Bytecode - How to analyze in IntelliJ IDEA?