This is an actionPerformed in a Swing panel with custom buttons from a framework which scrambles their classes so all methods are a():String or b():void and there is no way to make out what it actually is.
I got a compiler error becaus when I inherit this button class the compiler find a():void an a():String which is not allowed in Java. My solution was to use the adapter pattern like this:
public abstract class FactoryButton {
private CustomButton button;
public FactoryButton(int width, int height) {
button = new DynButton();
button.setSize(width, height);
public DynButton getButton() {
return button;
So my FactoryButton has the CustomButton class as a private member. The FactoryButton is the parent of another Button class named FactorySelectionButton which has an action performed where I used to be able to get the source of the event:
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
if (arg0.getSource() instanceof FactorySelectionButton) {
// User selected a factory
selectedItem = ((FactorySelectionButton) arg0.getSource()).getFactory();
// Close the screen, so control returns back to the parent window
} else {
// other buttons implementation
But now since I solved one problem with the adapter pattern I have another the arg0.getSource() no longer gives me the FactorySelectionButton but it now gives a CustomButton which gives me no way to know which custom button is pressed.
The reason for not throwing away the custom button is that I am bound to the framework, I have to use it and the amount of factories can grow so I don't want hardcoded buttons.
So anyone have an idea on how I can fix this?
I found a way around it by looping over all my components and checking whether they have the button I need and they double checking whether it's really an instance of the class I want.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
for (FactoryButton component : components) {
if(component.getButton().equals(arg0.getSource()) && component instanceof FactorySelectionButton)
selectedItem = ((FactorySelectionButton) component).getFactory();
//other buttons implementation