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spring-boot actuator response code changed from 200 OK to 200 causing alarm in icinga

boot technology. In production environment We are having kubernetes cluster. we are monitoring all the services using actuator/info endpoint. Somehow after last deployment actuator/info endpoints response code which was set to 200 OK in expected field is now changed to 200 which is causing alarm in icinga dashboard. Is there any mechanism to change it back to 200 OK I've asked dev team about this change but they've no idea about this code change. I am wondering about which piece would make this kind of change in application response code.


  • I guess you’re using Tomcat. It stopped sending the reason phrase in an update in mid-2016. The reason phrase is optional and the relevant RFC recommends that clients ignore it. Perhaps your monitoring tool can be configured to follow that recommendation? There’s some more background in this Spring Boot issue.