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Modify <meta> tag with JS (chrome extension) on response receiving

I have a Chrome extension that adds a panel to the page in the floating iframe (on extension button click). There's certain JS code that is downloaded from 3rd party host and needs to be executed on that page. Obviously there's XSS issue and extension needs to comply with content security policies for that page.

Previously I had to deal with CSP directives that are passed via request headers, and was able to override those via setting a hook in chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived. There I was adding my host URL to content-security-policy headers. It worked. Headers were replaced, new directives applied to the page, all good.

Now I discovered websites that set the CSP directives via <meta> tag, they don't use request headers. For example, app pages in iTunes have such. There is also an additional meta tag with name web-experience-app/config/environment (?) that somewhat duplicates the values that are set in content of tag with http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy".

This time I am trying to add my host name into meta tag inside chrome.webNavigation.onCommitted or onCompleted events listeners (JS vanilla via chrome.tabs.executeScript). I also experimented with running the same code from the webrequest's onCompleted listener (at the last step of lifecycle according to

When I inspect the page after its load - I see the meta tags have changed. But when I click on my extension to start loading iframe and execute JS - console prints the following errors:

Refused to frame '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-src 'self' * itmss: itms-appss: itms-bookss: itms-itunesus: itms-messagess: itms-podcasts: itms-watchs: macappstores: musics: apple-musics:".

I.e. my tag update was not effective.

I have several questions: first, do I do it right? Am I doing the update at the proper event? When is the data content from meta tags being read in the page lifecycle? Will it be auto-applied after tag content change?


  • As of March 2018 Chromium doesn't allow to modify the responseBody of the request.

    "WebRequest API: allow extensions to read response body" is a ticket from 2015. It is not on a path of getting to be resolved and needs some work/help.


    Firefox has the webRequest filter implementation that allows to modify the response body before the page's meta directives are applied. BUT, my problem is focused on fixing the Chrome extension. Maybe Chrome picks this up one day.


    In general, the Chrome's extension building framework seems like not a reliable path of building a long term living software; with browser vendors changing the rules frequently, reacting to newly discovered threats, having no up-to-date supported cross-browser standard.


    In my case, the possible way around this issue can be to throw all the JS code into the extension's source base. Such that there's no 3-rd party to connect to fetch and execute the JS (and conflict with/violate the CSP rules). Haven't explored this yet, as I expected to reuse the code & interactive components I am using in my main browser application.